Sunday, January 14, 2018

Sunday morning at the vet

Little White Dog had to go to the vet this morning. He woke Mica several times throughout the night needing to go outside, then he began throwing up. She called me so I could meet them at the veterinarian.

He’s 100 percent her dog but he and I bonded early on. A condition of his adoption was that he not be left home alone all day. At the time Mica still worked in an office and couldn’t make it home and back on her lunch hour. I could, so I promised to go over and walk him every day. I did that for five years until she started working from home. I love him as if he were mine, and Mica and I sort of “co-parent.” He always seems happiest when she and I are in the same room with him, so I try to go to vet appointments in case it helps reduce stress (most likely it’s only my stress that’s reduced).

It appears this is a pancreatitis flare up. There hasn’t been one since he was diagnosed with it four years ago. Fortunately, he didn’t have to spend the night. They gave him subcutaneous fluids and medicines for the other symptoms and let him go home. It was a relief not to have to leave him. I hung out at Mica’s for a couple of hours while he napped between us on the couch, worn out by the stress of the morning.

While we were in the exam room waiting for the results of his blood work, Mica asked how last night’s date went. I’m finding I don’t want to talk about Blaine very much. Not to my friends, I mean. Here, he’s the only thing on my mind when I sit down to write. Here, I want to itemize everything, all the little things I like such as how when we’re waiting to cross streets he positions himself so his body blocks the wind from hitting me. I want a catalog of the good, for what purpose I'm not sure. Away from this page I keep busy with the rest of life and try not to think or talk about him.

When Mica asked about last night’s date I spoke broadly, sharing a few things I learned about him. I told her his sense of humor is coming out more and he’s proving to be a good banter partner, something I love. She has known me long enough and been privy to the details of every date I’ve ever had to recognize I’m approaching this differently. I want to let this unfold however it will. I don’t want to over-examine it.

Ridiculously, I’m disappointed that last night he asked if we could do something again (yes) next week (yes) because now there’s no reason to hear from him for a few days.

I’ll survive. In the meantime, I’ll make do with the season premier of “Victoria” and the return of  Lord Melbourne (Lord Mmm). Rufus Sewell is a most excellent distraction.


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