Monday, March 19, 2018

Leave worms

There’s a urologist in California who believes my personal email address belongs to his wife. He regularly sends correspondence to both that and her work account. Early on I replied to one of his emails to let him know he was using the incorrect address. I didn’t receive a response but I also didn’t receive any emails from him for a few months, then there was a flurry again. I emailed a second time with a similar result. I’ve marked the emails as spam so very few come to my inbox anymore. Now there is a new wrinkle. My email address has spread through some urologist network, and I have urologists all over the country wanting to connect with me--or rather this guy’s wife--on LinkedIn. This is much more annoying.

Urologists, I’ve concluded, do not have great attention for detail.

No time today to piddle around with all that. Someone needed a graphic recreated, and she needed to send it to the vendor today. I knew what needed to be done but wasn’t sure how to make it happen. Fortunately the Illustrator gods were feeling generous and for the first time ever I was able set text along a path (curve). After that it was just a matter of converting the text to outlines and saving it in the correct format. The initial feedback from the rep was positive so I think I did it right. I’ll know for sure tomorrow. 

It was the end of the day when I spoke to Eve for the first time. “I heard you gave me a good character reference at lunch yesterday. Thanks for that,” I said.

She waved it off. “Everyone was curious about the woman who finally got his attention. I get to take credit for it!”

I didn’t so much get his attention as I was the boulder rolled into his path. Impossible to ignore. I didn’t challenge the point though. At least I’ve learned when to leave worms in their can. And it’s fair to say I’ve kept his attention.


  1. A+ for working the piddle joke into the third paragraph. I wouldn't have been able to hold it for that long.

    My brother was (is?) getting super-wacko religious email (eg, forwarded doctored pictures of "bones of a giant 50' feet tall" that _prove_ some part of the bible was real) from somebody who thought he was a different person. He started out by politely responding that it was being sent to the wrong person. When that didn't work, he went with Reply-all and included the link to snopes that talked about the stupidity of the most recent mail. Then he started Reply-all with swearing. I think that last bit may have finally worked for him, but I can't imagine it work as well against the urologists.

    1. "I wouldn't have been able to hold it for that long." Nice!

      Excellent tactic that your brother found. I'm not sure what the equivalent is for urologists. Perhaps the best I can hope for is that it eventually slows to a trickle.


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