Friday, April 20, 2018


I had lunch with Blaine. He took the afternoon off and chose to begin it with me and a sandwich at a bagel place not far from work.

I told him what happened yesterday because last weekend he said he wants to know about work things. He lost his cool a little bit, which surprised me because he’s always even keeled.

Every so often when we’re together I’ll suddenly rewind to December when we first blipped onto one another’s radar but kept our distance. I never thought we would go beyond courtesy dates. Now we’re settling into a comfortableness that’s nice.

I miss nervous, formal Blaine though. I still see embarrassed Blaine occasionally but less often. I used to worry the crazy flares of embarrassment were a sign he was excessively old-fashioned, but I think he was self-conscious about the process of dating and perhaps hyper-aware of the potential to offend. I’m not easily offended. I'm somewhat more prone to offending.

“Are you thinking about how handsome I am?” He wiped his mouth with a paper napkin but it didn’t remove the smirk.

I had been openly staring, it’s true. How different from not long ago when I used reflections in windows to sneak longer looks at him. “That obvious, huh?”

“It will come to an end soon enough.”

“Why? Getting a neck tattoo?”

He laughed. “Having a birthday.”

“You are? When?”

“The second.”

“Do birthdays have gifts attached to them like anniversaries do? Will this be your precious-tin year?”

“More like ear hair year.”

“That’s a tongue twister. Well done!”

“The tongue is the last thing to go.” He eyes blinked several times.

Ah, welcome back embarrassed Blaine.

“Good to know,” I laughed.

He continued. “The custom is to have the usual group meet for drinks and a bite to eat. Nothing formal. It will be the Saturday before. Do you think Mica would like to come? Or would it be better to meet her under other circumstances?”

While she and I have talked about the two of them meeting, I’ve never brought it up with Blaine. It surprised me he was thinking about it.  “Let me ask her.” We began putting our plates back on the tray to carry to the counter. “I don’t get a formal invitation?”

He leaned forward. “Will you be my date for my birthday shindig?”

“Only because you’re handsome.”

He smiled.

“It’s the ear hair.”


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