Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Back to work

Is there anything worse than the first day back to work after a vacation?

No. No, there is not.

First thing this morning someone asked me to take photos at an event. That took up the morning and most of my energy. This afternoon I prepared materials needed for a meeting with Henry tomorrow. In between, over lunch, I went to Sam's Club and bought a tower of Puffs Plus that barely fit into the trunk of my car.

I spoke to Eve briefly from the safety of the hallway. Her mom hasn't been feeling well, and the last thing she needs is to catch a cold that will keep her from visiting. I want more details about the murder mystery dinner but didn't feel like gathering information. Perhaps I could be the corpse. Does snot continue to run for a period following death? I would need that to be true.

I've got nothing else today.

It's 8:19 and I'm thinking about going to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Coming back after vacation is so bad I'm not sure vacation is worth it in the first place. Taking a day off in the middle of the week works out better for me -- probably not really going to work if you want to travel though.

    Good luck with the murder mystery dinner. Maybe you'll get to be the murderer!


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