- Went to breakfast with Mica at Greg's. It was busy when we arrived but everyone else had left before we finished eating. Greg and his partner hung out in the dining room and talked to us. When the partner stepped out to take a call, I excused myself and hid in the bathroom for as long as I could before it would seem weird. It worked -- Greg asked Mica if she would be interested in getting together outside of his restaurant. Details TBD.
- Sophie asked us if we would come by and give her a hand. She is vice president of a community group. That office appears to include the duties of everyone else who wants to volunteer for something without having to do any work. She had a meeting to prepare for and couldn't get everything done. I helped her format documents, and Mica whipped up enough snacks to feed everyone for a couple of days.
- Sophie wanted to take us out to dinner, and she asked me to invite Blaine. It was last minute, which I hated to do to him but he said he didn't mind. He met us at a Mexican restaurant. We had a good time.
- I have to create the closed captioning for six 30-minute videos. It took over six hours to complete the captioning for one. That's just typing the captions. Next, I have to go through and syncs each one to the video. A more mind numbing task does not exist.
- Blaine revealed that he is ready to furnish his basement. He asked if I would help. I love shopping for furniture and decorating, so I'm going to be into that. The trouble is he doesn't know how he wants to use the space. There are two bedrooms (those are easy) and then one largish open space and one smaller open space. I asked if he wanted a man cave (no), a place for parties (eh) or a second living space (maybe). This may prove more difficult than fun.
- It's September 11, a day that always hits me to some degree. Eve and I visited the 9/11 Memorial and the 9/11 Museum when we were in New York a few weeks ago. It was a consuming, overwhelming experience, which I think is the way it should be.
- Speaking of New York, I haven't found a way to write about it that doesn't end in seven-page posts. For now I'll note that it was a perfect trip, a true gift for Eve at a time when she needed to be reminded that life and love and unexpected good things continue.
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