It isn’t Monday. I thought it was until I was on my way to work and noticed when a DJ said it was Tuesday. This matters because I didn’t put the garbage out this morning and will have to wait another week.
While I was gone--probably the day it snowed--the electricity went out. I don’t know how long it was out so I have to toss everything that was in the refrigerator. Since it isn’t cold enough yet to do that and leave it in the trash can for a week, I'll have to leave everything in the refrigerator and freezer until next Monday. Lovely.
At work I found two emails and two voicemails from Henry, all letting me know he needed changes made to his website before Wednesday, if that was possible. Henry seems to think making a change to a website requires rebuilding the computer and sacrificing a goat every time. All he wanted was a caption on a picture changed. I did it while talking to him. “You did? Already? Excellent. You really know what you’re doing!” Let’s go with that.
I spoke to Blaine a little while ago. He’s driving home from his late friend’s hometown. His friend was laid to rest today. Blaine said the service was nicely personalized and a good reflection of who his friend was. Blaine had time to visit the family members he knew and saw a couple of others he had gone to law school with. He sounded tired but lighter than he has.
Although my neglected house looks as though the Munsters decorated it, I’m going to crawl into bed early so I can read longer. I’m finishing up the third book in Anne Bishop’s The Others series. Still enjoying them a lot, but they are nothing like I expected. Mica has read them now (she’s a freaky fast alien-like reader). We’ve talked a little bit about how, so far anyway, there isn’t a traditional romance, the action isn’t intense and in this world the vampires and shapeshifters do not behave as you would expect. It's low key but compelling. I’m anxious to see where it goes.
I've also decided to listen to Bob Woodward's book while I'm in the car. It's going to be interesting and probably scary. Just in time for Halloween.
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