I concede I may be extra prickly because I’m super busy at work, and perhaps I shouldn’t have gotten my quills up when I received an email about some incorrect information on the website. But there’s a right way to request a change and there’s a wrong way.
The wrong way is to throw me under bus and not delete that part of the email string that you send to me.
It took two minutes to make the correction. It took another 15 to search through the inbox until I found the original email that shows the person who threw me under the bus had given me the incorrect information. Normally I would suck it up--and by that I mean fume silently at my desk--and make the change without saying anything more about it. Today, though, I included the incorrect email in my breezy, friendly reply-all response that said the website had been updated and here’s how it happened “(see attached).” I assume “you warthog-faced buffoon” was understood.
Yeah, still prickly.
This is just my level of petty and I am cheering for you over here!