Monday, February 12, 2018


On the way home tonight I was behind a car that tried to sneak around the corner of the pickup ahead of it and didn’t make it. A low-speed crunch. They decided to call the police, and I stayed as a witness. I’m getting tired of witnessing car accidents. This is twice in three weeks

It took place on a busy arterial. I turned on my flashers right away but still had a lot of people come up so close to my bumper that they had to back up in order to pull around my car. Twenty-five minutes later, a police car pulled up behind me. The officer spoke to me first. He didn’t need my contact information or for me to stay while he spoke to the drivers, so he halted traffic and I pulled away.

Before that, the rest of the day was normal. Henry took three of us out to lunch to thank us for helping him pull together the proposal. Prior to working on this project, I only knew the other two by name. I like both but it’s unlikely we’ll cross paths again.

Prior to going to lunch, I had another meeting with Henry and someone who is a key player in another project. They need a document written by the end of March. They promised it won’t be long, which is good news, but I’ve never heard of this kind of document, have no idea what needs to go into it. Henry promised they would outline something for me. Another outline. Swell.


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