Sunday, February 11, 2018

[Title goes here...maybe tomorrow]

Another night, another inch of snow. This one I ignored. The sun came out, it warmed to 23, melting occurred. What didn't melt will be ice in the morning. I don't care anymore.

I went with Mica to take little white dog to the vet for a booster shot. Before, though, we took him to one of the new dog parks so he could have some fun. The only dog in the small dog side was leaving when we were arrived, so we let him in with the big dogs. He loves the bigger space and ran through the snow in giant circles, occasionally turning on a dime to kick up snow. Funny how snow is fun at dog park but it's something he abhors in his own back yard.

I hung out at Mica's for a few hours. We watched a couple more episodes of Longmire. I can't wait to get to the end and put the show behind me. I liked it early on but Walt became too broody and annoying. I'm happy to stick to the books. They have the humor and characterization that the TV show lacks.

I arrived home in time to stuff come clothes into the washing machine before going to Eve and Paul's. They asked Blaine and me over for chili and to watch the Olympics. Blaine brought dessert—last night's cake. I had forgotten how far that cake goes. We split it at the end of the night.

Izzy has gotten so big since I last saw her. She was 18 pounds then and 36 now. I didn't think she would remember me but when we went to the loft she went to her toy box and brought me "blue dog," the plush toy we played with the most when I was there. Eve said she hadn't had it out in a while, so I'm hopeful she remembers me a bit. I'm going to take care of her again at the end of the month.

I didn't stay late. I needed to get a second load of laundry done before bed, and I'm so tired tonight.

Here's hoping words come easier tomorrow.


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