After work, I picked up a couple of chicken caesar salads from a restaurant we both like, and we ate after the walk. Blaine stayed a while longer. We put on our jackets and sat on the deck while Izzy nosed around the tiered flower beds.
Blaine promised he wouldn’t bother me every night that I’m staying here. I told him he wasn’t bothering me. I let it go in case what he meant was he needed a break. I wouldn’t mind the company, frankly. Even though Izzy requires a lot of playtime, I get bored when I’m here. I didn’t tell him that, though. I go back and forth on how to handle this thing. Sometimes I have a lurch of confidence and will do something I usually feel awkward about later. More often I pull back or stay frozen where I am. I’m really not cut out for dating.
I’m especially tired tonight. Izzy tried to sleep on the bed last night. We negotiated for space and covers, and I had to defend my territory every time she repositioned because she’d push up against me until she was half on top, then she’d slide down my back and wiggle to settle in the groove where I met the mattress. She couldn’t get comfortable. She had been hot most of the evening and was still panting so I got up to flip the switch to turn on the ceiling fan. She jumped down. I heard her moving from spot to spot all night long.
She and I will have an early morning. I want to be at Mica’s before sunup. The little white dog is going in for surgery, and she asked me to go with her to drop him off. I would have wanted to see him anyway.
Good wishes for the little white dog!