Henry. He stopped by my office toward the end of the day, didn't want anything but to say hello and see how things were going. We talked past 5:00. When he stood to leave, he asked if I had plans to go to Chicago this summer. I told him I'd be able to answer that in a week. I explained, "If I still have a job, I'm going in June."
He stepped back in, closed the door and sat down. "Have you been told your position is in jeopardy?" Not directly, no, I told him and explained everything I knew about how they were prioritizing cuts this time. Quite a few people like to stop by and chat with me, so I pick up pieces of information here and there. Given what I've learned about their priorities, my position is vulnerable but I could hang on until the next round.
While Henry is toward the top of the organizational chart, he isn't part of this decision-making process. He said, "I don't think you have anything to worry about, but if you find out your position is being cut, come to me right away so I can fight it. I don't have the power to override the decision but I have influence with those who do. You're too valuable to me, and at the moment my work is very valuable to them."
I'm not used to hearing that someone is willing to fight for me, and it means a great deal to me that Henry thinks so highly of my skills. Planets aligned, blessings were bestowed, good mojo abounded—maybe all three occurred—to allow our paths to cross three years ago.
After Henry left, I grabbed my stuff and skedaddled too. My friend Peggy, a coworker from my former job, was expecting me at her house. She likes to go to church fish fries during Lent, and this is the first week it has worked for us to go together.
The church she chose this year is in her neighborhood. Neither of us belong to it—neither of us are catholic for that matter—but we've attended so many fish fries and craft shows there, it's very familiar. We know where to find all the side doors and back stairs.
Over a plate of grilled tilapia, breaded shrimp and a baked potato, we caught up. She keeps in touch with a number of people we used to work with (most of the 13 of us who were laid off) and always has plenty of gossip to share. We talked as long as we could, staying until the end of the serving time.
We should get together more often so there's less to catch up on. It's my fault that we don't. Weekends are busier now, and I do need a certain amount of downtime. I didn't tell her about Blaine. Yesterday Susannah, Eve and I went to lunch and Susannah grilled me about him again. I'm still worn out. I'll tell her once I'm more certain it's going to be longer term.
Yay, good news!