More about last night
The number of innings of the Cubs game that Blaine and I watched last night: 6
The number of rain delays we sat through during those six innings: 2
The number of times I scared the dog during those six innings: 2
The number of times Izzy bronco bucked across the room following unexpected clapping and arm waving: 1
The number of times Izzy dropped her toy and skedaddled down the hallway at a sudden wailing “noooooo!”: 1
The number of times Blaine pulled the 54-pound dog onto his lap to soothe her: 1
The number of drinks Blaine spilled because he pulled the 54-pound dog, including her big bushy tail, onto his lap: 1
And about today
Eve and Paul were delayed so I went over after work to feed and hang out with Izzy until they could get home. She was unusually calm and quiet. We played tug-of-war for a little while, then she hopped up on the couch beside me, set her toy on my leg and chewed on it while I rubbed her belly. I hope I get to see this behavior again.
I left when Eve sent a text that they were back in the city. It was getting late, I was tired. I like staying with Izzy, and this weekend in particular was nice, but I miss by bed.
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