Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Ordinary things

When I first started searching for romances I might like, I was surprised by how many sexual preferences were catered to, and I wondered if there were really that many people who were into all these different things. Watching the news lately answers that question.

The Cubs tickets haven’t arrived yet. I’m concerned they’ve landed in someone else’s mailbox because I’ve been getting a lot of my neighbors mail lately. USPS delivery is not what it used to be. Before I ordered the tickets, I didn’t research how it worked so I didn’t find out about the option to have the tickets delivered electronically to an app until I was into the process with only a minute left to complete the order. Definitely regretting that now.

Eve was back at work this afternoon. She asked what Blaine and I did this weekend and how mowing their lawn figured into it. I told her. “That’s a lot of time to spend together.” She sounded proud.

I liked the ordinariness of the weekend, especially Sunday. It felt comfortable and satisfying in the same way it used to when I could spend an entire day at my aunt’s house, drinking iced tea at her kitchen table and talking about ordinary things. I miss that sort of day so much.


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