Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Most important news

The little white dog is healing OK and won’t need surgery. Thank goodness. That's the most important news of the day.

I didn’t set a record, but I did get to the office by 6:30, and by the end of the normal workday I had accomplished all of the ASAP requests. Mica helped by bringing lunch to me so I could continue to work. She was leaving just as Eve was returning from lunch. Eve waved Mica into her office, and they visited for awhile. I lurked in the doorway for a short time. Izzy, Blaine and the fact that Eve and Mica grew up within 15 miles of each other were the hot topics.

Speaking of one hot topic, I left promptly at 5:00 to try to get to my house ahead of Blaine. He beat me by a few minutes. Tonight was the first of the jazz concerts, and rather than driving all the way home and backtracking, Blaine brought clothes and changed at my house. He came out of the bedroom wearing shorts and a summer button-up shirt and carrying the suit and shirt he’d worn to work.

“That picture above your bed…” It wasn’t clear if he intended that to be a question or statement of disbelief.

“A mistake,” I confirmed. It’s two swans. “Show of Splendor” is the name of the painting. It’s monochromatic, antique looking. “It matched the walls.” I redid that room when rag painting was the rage, but I had enough sense to do a color wash technique in a neutral color. Still, I should think about updating. “At least you missed the peach and lace phase.”

“Wow, that sounds—“

“Like it’s a good thing it's a room that’s usually dark? Yes.”

Although we arrived an hour before the concert started and had VIP seating, we still had trouble finding a good spot. Blaine wanted to be close to the stage, which meant sitting in the sun for the first hour. It was close quarters. We set our lawn chairs as close together as we could. Someone behind us pointedly complained that people who bring big chairs to these concerts are boils on the backside of humanity (not an exact quote but true to the gist). We, and most other people, have the collapsible chairs and ours have arms but it isn’t like we have the lounge ones with built-in umbrella.

Anyway, we had a chance to talk before the concert. He wants to put a roof over the main part of his deck where the table and grill are. He’s called a couple of contractors to get estimates. He wanted to know what Mica and I planned to do in Chicago. He also asked if this would be the first Saturday that we haven’t gone out since we started dating. It seems like we may have missed one once. I don’t recall. I don’t think we’ve ever gone an entire weekend without getting together.

The music was pretty good, and Blaine really enjoyed it. I have trouble with jazz when there’s a lot of dissonance. There were only a few songs like that tonight, but boy I could feel myself tense up during them. Jazz and wine. Two things I may never learn to love. Two things Blaine truly enjoys. Figures.

When we were saying goodnight, I stopped myself from saying I would miss him. I feel like it’s true but other than we won’t see each other over the weekend, nothing is different. The number of days apart isn’t any more than usual.

Still, I think I’ll miss him.


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