What to do for the Fourth first came up a couple of weeks ago. I found out that Blaine, like me, hasn’t actively celebrated it for a number of years. He typically gets invited somewhere or will go to Allison’s if they don’t have other plans. I typically hang out at Mica’s during the day and try to get home before people start setting off fireworks in the middle of the streets.
This year Allison, Ty and Eli are on vacation in the mountains, John and Kim are in Canada, Eve and Paul are staying home to make sure Izzy does OK with the noise, and Mica is doing the same with the little white dog, who is OK with the noise but doesn’t like the smell. In other words, nothing much was going to happen. We decided we would get together for supper, which would allow me to do something with Mica during the day.
But that’s about the Fourth and this is only the third.
Last night Blaine asked if I would go with him to the city’s firework display, which is now held on the night of the third because...well, that’s the way this city does things. He proposed we have dinner first at the French restaurant we like. And he suggested we go to his house after the fireworks and have dessert on the deck where we would probably see some neighborhood fireworks. He worded all of it as if he were asking me out on a date, and there were shades of Formal Blaine, whom I haven’t seen in a long time. I told him it all sounded lovely and I looked forward to it.
And so that’s what we did. We had date to celebrate the Fourth on the third.
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