Wednesday, July 18, 2018

To do and should do

I can’t recall if I mentioned I changed the way I keep track of things I need to do at work. A week ago I switched from a Post-It-stuck-to-every-surface-haphazardly system to a color coded document divided by the different divisions I support. It’s rather fantastic. The colors make me happy. There’s tremendous satisfaction when I can put a double line through completed tasks. It gives me a record of accomplishments, which I need to provide twice a year. And it helps keep me on task because I can tag high-priority projects red and medium-priority tasks yellow.

Today I crossed off something that’s been tagged red since last week. I celebrated by leaving my office for lunch.

Tonight I’ve been taking screenshots of baptismal records and creating a document for my cousin Eileen. This has been on my personal should-do list for over a year.

Don’t know if I’ve mentioned that I’ve become the historian for my dad’s family. I’ve hardly worked on it since I started the job I have now, but occasionally I’ll log onto Ancestry and check for new records. A year ago they added the record books from the church the family belonged to early on. In them I found the entries for the baptisms of all of my aunts and uncles, which revealed that those born prior to WWI were christened with German names. I mentioned it to Eileen the last time I saw her, and she said she would like to know how her dad’s name appeared. Since I was looking up one, I decided to provide all in case it sparks more conversation. She is the eldest member of the family and I keep hoping she’ll recall some things from when she was a child. She is the only one old enough to remember our grandparents and great aunts and uncles.

I have all the records captured and printed (she doesn’t use email). Now I have to write a letter, and I imagine I should write it by hand. What are the chances I have stationery that hasn’t yellowed?

1 comment:

  1. I do kind of miss my Post-Its-stuck-to-the-white-board method of organization, but it wasn't very portable. Now I just forget about things.


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