Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Ahh, Bach

My boss waved me into his office this morning. “Do you and Eve get along pretty well?”

“We do, yes,” I answered, trying not to smile.

“Well enough that you wouldn’t mind spending several hours in a car together?”

“Yes, we’d be fine.”

And that’s how it came to be that we were selected to attend an out-of-town meeting tomorrow.  The coworker who died was scheduled to go with another person who has since left. No one realized their attendance was expected until yesterday. No one seems to care that Eve and I combined know very little about the topic.

“We’ll have to ‘Ahh, Bach’ it,’” I told her.

“What does that mean?”

“That episode of MASH where Radar wants to impress a new nurse who loves classical music, and the guys tell him he can fake the depth of his knowledge by thoughtfully rubbing his chin and saying, ‘Ahh, Bach.’”

“How do you remember these things?”

“I don’t clog up my brain with junk like math.”


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