Monday, August 20, 2018

Henry's coffee klatch

A quickie to catch up.

Yesterday, Sunday, my brother and I went to a family reunion of our Mom's side of the family. He has been attending for about 10 years. I started going around five years ago. For many years I was too uncomfortable to go. I didn't want to attend a family reunion where I not only didn't know anyone but I didn't really know those I'd be representing. I have many memories of my mom but I can't tell you much of anything about who she was. Also, I worried I would reflect poorly on her. (I went through a rough patch for awhile.)

When I did get up the courage to go, I was glad I did. After meeting everyone I'm certain my personality comes from Mom. It would have been amazing to have grown up surrounded by her family.

This year's reunion was much smaller than usual, in part due to two deaths over the last year and a half. It's hard to say how long the reunions will continue. I suspect they'll stop once Mom's generation is gone.

That was yesterday. Today was an odd day in that I received three requests for help from people I never work with. One wanted me to teach him how to use layers in Photoshop Elements, another needed a new portrait taken and cropped a certain way, and the third wanted to know if I could find some information that had once been on the website. Since it was before I had started, I didn't think so but after some searching I found part of what he needed.

And then Henry. He called late in the day to "discuss a problem on the website," which amounted to changing a link. After that he caught me up on what's new with his kids. He also asked how Eve was doing, so I told him about our upcoming trip to New York. It was only a couple of weeks ago that he reminded me there are places other than Chicago that I can visit, so he was particularly happy to hear about this trip. "I'll want to hear all about it," he said. We're going to have to establish a coffee klatch soon so we can regularly swap personal stories. Henry's the best.


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